Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Interior Designers Choose Window Film for Affordable Window Dressing

In a recent article in the Montreal Gazette, decorator Georgia Thanos points out the interesting trend towards the use of window films for window dressing.

Thanos is quoted as saying that you must first determine the purpose of the window covering and "figure out if you want it to block out the light and how much.  Are you looking for privacy, and are you looking to add height or width to your wall"

Thanos recommends window films as an economical alternative to other window treatments or to be used in conjunction with curtains for UV blocking and protection from fading.

Thanos urges do-it-yourselfers to be true to their own sense of style.  The article quotes the decorator and owner of Deco Prassimo Design, as saying, "You also have to be true to your style and comfort, and the style of the home."

For a wide selection of decorative and UV blocking window films you can shop online from Apex Window Films at www.ApexFilms.ca.  If you  are looking for just the film to match YOUR sense of style, go where there is the best selection, go to Apex Window Film!

Source Article:  "Window Dressing" by Marlene Eisner, The Gazette, MontrealGazette.com, October 21, 2010

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